
AIR Check-In App for iOS Tutorial

Do I need anything special on my phone?

No. AIR check-in is compatible with Android 6 and iOS 9.3 and newer devices. The fingerprint reader, however, may not be supported by all devices.

How much data does the app use?

Data quantity ranges between 10 to 85KB per check-in, based on verification method used.

Why do I need to Allow location/manage phone/access to photo, media, or files in my device?

The app does not access any personal information, contact information, photos, media, or files unrelated to the check-in process. The data that is gathered during check-in is the questionnaire and verification method (which may include one GPS point at the time of submission). These permissions are, however, required for both those submissions and the phone number links to your officer to work from within the app.

Can the calendar in the app be synced with my personal calendar?

No. The calendar in the AIR Check-in app cannot be synced with your personal calendar (Google calendar or similar).